Tenzin's Zotero Bibliography

“Authors’ Note: Deep Neural Networks Are More Accurate than Humans at Detecting Sexual Orientation from Facial Images.” Google Docs. Accessed September 12, 2017.
The article raises raises the concerning issues about how use of technology such as the current facial recognition ones could increase discrimination and exploitation of certain minorities. It connects me to the debate in the tech industry (e.g. Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg) about whether AI can overpower humans. It is very important that while technology can make our lives simpler, it could also make it worse if not used in the right way.

Buolamwini, Joy. “Algorithms Aren’t Racist. Your Skin Is Just Too Dark.” Medium (blog), May 29, 2017.
I think this article does a really good job of promoting neutral and inclusive technology after all people design these technologies. As an aspiring software engineer, it is an important life lesson to think beyond just coding AIs and make technology serve everyone equally. The example of the camera setting being raised against dark skinned is very powerful as it is something that we can quickly familiarize to, but the bigger picture sends a very clear message about making technology accessible to all people without inherent bias. The two articles mentioned above motivated me to strive to design web pages that are accessible and non-discriminatory against minorities.

“Digital Globalization: The New Era of Global Flows,” n.d.
The article refutes the idea that globalization has stalled but rather states that it is entering a new era of increased digital flows of data and information that are increasing its shares dramatically in today’s global economy. Reading this article made me think about the issues such as fake news and its impact, not only domestically but also transnationally. As digital scholar intern, we strive to display content from reliable sources, and educate people about judging different contents.

Enten, Harry. “Fake Polls Are A Real Problem.” FiveThirtyEight (blog), August 22, 2017.
I chose this article because as a digital scholarship intern, we strive to display reliable contents with as much transparency about the details of the source. It is very important as readers to know where the sources of the contents are from and how reliable they are. Fake news such as the poll in the article can have serious consequences to the population and we should try to avoid such contents. This has further reminded me of the importance of accessibility features like Alt texts that will allow people with disabilities to know the source and its contents and judge the reliability of the information.

“The Art of ALT: Toward a More Accessible Web.” Computers and Composition 18, no. 1 (January 1, 2001): 73–81.
The article talks about accessible web designs especially referencing to the 1999 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. It says that a Web experience designed to be rich and meaningful for people with disabilities is likely to be rich and meaningful for those without disabilities as well; however, the reverse is not necessarily true. It also talks about the art of ALT and how it can facilitate good experience for people using screen readers and talking browsers. This has helped me know more about Alt text and the ways in which I can incorporate it in the themes that I am customizing.

“How to Give Kind Criticism, and Avoid Being Critical : Zen Habits.” Accessed August 25, 2017.
This article talks about how to give criticism with kindness and have a decent chance of having the person take it constructively. This is crucial especially as web developers, working in teams to give constructive feedbacks to each other’s action, without directly attacking the person.

Jia, Grace. “10 Essential UI/UX Design Questions for Interview.” Grace Jia (blog), March 7, 2017.
As a front-end developer, the essential skills are designing excellent UI design works. The article talks about communication as a very important skill, specifically, the ability to design good works and ask right questions as indispensable for UI/UX designers. Knowing your readers, improving upon the faults of the earlier design and using extensive feedback mechanisms are things that I use when working on Omeka themes.

Carleton College Digital Scholarship Team

Carleton College Digital Scholarship Team
Founded in 2013 as part of a Mellon funded initiative with St Olaf and Macalester colleges, the Digital Humanities program at Carleton College supports cutting-edge classroom experimentation and innovative computer-enhanced research by helping humanities faculty to integrate digital technologies into their research and teaching and by training students to learn digital methodologies relevant to their humanities studies and future careers.

Fall Term Reflection

This was my first term working as the Accessibility Intern for the Digital Scholarship team at Carleton. After getting introduced to the ...… Continue reading

Fall Term Reflection

Published on November 18, 2018

Biography Pages

Published on November 17, 2018